Tuesday, February 14, 2012

V-Day D-Day

Happy Valentine's Day to All You In- Love People! Enjoy your consumer-embellished goodies! Because obviously cards, candy, flowers, dinner, wine and sex aren't available the rest of the year.

A History Lesson:
Valentine's Day was originally in honor of a martyred Roman priest who either was caught marrying Christians or converting Christians, when said Christians were being persecuted. They put the guy in prison and decided he was kind of cool when he healed the emperor's blind daughter with his hands, until Valentine tried to convert them, too. Then they beat him with clubs and stones. He didn't die. SO, they chopped off his poor little Christian-Catholic-loving head.  SHEESH!
Somehow, this heart-warming tale came to be celebrated as a Romantic Holiday, celebrated mostly in the Western Hemisphere (pretty far form where all this started), in the same land where we celebrate shoving the Indians off their land by stuffing our faces and being thankful that we were rude little Pilgrims.

All I really see is a Holiday where Guys are All Like:

and Girls are All Like:

then I'm All Like:

Okay. Enough of the wisecracking, condescending, cynical BS from moi. I have actually had the undeniable pleasure of photographing all the love for the past few years:

                                 I am happy to report 
                            that all these lovely couples
                                         to the left
                           are all still happily married.

                         Obviously, this is because
              I photographed their love and captured it
                                   for eternity.

                      I'm that good. You should hire me and pay me         
                      big bucks to do the same for you!

Phew! Sentimentality is EXHAUSTING! I want to go back to the humor and mockery! But, I will pass. After all, it's Valentine's Day and I have big plans....

                                                                                                        ....to sit on my ass and watch Glee.

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